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Welcome Because This Place Is Dumb So I Had To Make Another Garden Site In Order To Fit Them All On Here!!!


We'll probably have to make another one... We still have the Garden V extra thing, and then the outtakes?  Maybe?  I don't know. Well, we'll definiately need another, since there'll be many more.  ^_^  Okies, and if you didn't check out the Gardendoom Webby, the original:  We're gonna sell the Garden sets, for either 3$ or 5$ (to non-FOTLers), and maybe for like, 3$ for FOTL members.  You need to write me an email at, telling me if you wanna wait til we have 10 or get them up to 7, and stuff like that.  You can tell me in an IM (Mercutiolives7 or IwishIwereAsian7) too.  Aight, thanks guys!  --Erin

Contents Yo

This site will contain The Gardens V- VIII (once they're all written) ^_^

I still have to type up the Garden VII (SHERRI FINALLY FINISHED!!!!!!) and then write the Garden VIII... Or IIX  ^_^ lol.  Anyway, yeah, it'll take a while, but hey- NEW MATERIAL COMING SOON!!!  Keep checking... And hey, tell people to check out the Garden webby!!  >_>  I want to be famous, all right!  Lol.  Please tell people you know to check it out next time they're online.  It'll be cool.  Put it in your AIM profiles!!  Come on!!!!

Well.  As of midnight, on June 22, 2004... I FINISHED THE GARDEN VIII.  Four freakin hours, yo.  FOUR.  You know how long it took to write the Garden VI? Like, a year!!!!!  Lol.  And I'm pretty sure VIII is longer than VI.  BOO YAH SHERRIKINS!!!!  I AM THE GARDEN GODDESS!!!  YAYYYY!!!  ^_^  Okay, I am done.  But I thought that was pretty cool... Like me.  ^_^